Author name: marianatalia

The evolution of education – teaching mathematics to primary school children through programmed instruction – Maria Natalia

On 30 January 2024, we conducted an interview with Patricia Bulie, co-owner at „Maria Natalia” kindergarten and Director of „Ingrid’s Club” kindergarten and after-school, both private educational units in Romania.”Maria Natalia” is an accredited educational institution by the Order of the Ministry of National Education no. 5394/16.08.2023. It is also a member of the Association of Private Schools in Romania. Patricia Bulie (34 years) brings five years of experience in both pre-school and primary education, supported by a bachelor’s de gree in the field. Additionally, she holds training certificates in continuous learning through the Romanian School in the Context of Decentralisation program and in the management of preschool education institutions. At their unit, they educate children between three and almost ten years old. In our interview, we discussed about the innovative methods and interactive tools they use to teach mathematics to primary school children, and about the differences between programmed instruction in various regions in Romania, as well as about the benefits and challenges encountered in teaching mathematics to primary school children via programmed learning and computer based instruction.

The evolution of education – teaching mathematics to primary school children through programmed instruction – Maria Natalia Read More »

The evolution of education – teaching mathematics to primary school children through programmed instruction – Ingrid’s Club

On 30 January 2024, we conducted an interview with Patricia Bulie, co-owner at „Maria Natalia” kindergarten and Director of „Ingrid’s Club” kindergarten and after-school, both private educational units in Romania.”Maria Natalia” is an accredited educational institution by the Order of the Ministry of National Education no. 5394/16.08.2023. It is also a member of the Association of Private Schools in Romania. Patricia Bulie (34 years) brings five years of experience in both pre-school and primary education, supported by a bachelor’s de gree in the field. Additionally, she holds training certificates in continuous learning through the Romanian School in the Context of Decentralisation program and in the management of preschool education institutions. At their unit, they educate children between three and almost ten years old. In our interview, we discussed about the innovative methods and interactive tools they use to teach mathematics to primary school children, and about the differences between programmed instruction in various regions in Romania, as well as about the benefits and challenges encountered in teaching mathematics to primary school children via programmed learning and computer based instruction.

The evolution of education – teaching mathematics to primary school children through programmed instruction – Ingrid’s Club Read More »

Matinal A7TV Cu Beni Și Iosif Graur – Ingrid’s Club

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Matinal A7TV Cu Beni Și Iosif Graur – Ingrid’s Club Read More »

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